about the escaper
Sean Philip Lim
Ngee Ann Primary School(1998-2003)
Ngee Ann Secondary School(2004-2007)
Temasek Junior College(2008-present)

past escapes
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
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February 2008
April 2008
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July 2008
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September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
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April 2009
July 2009
January 2010
April 2012

soul mates
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Cheryl Fong<
Cheng Liang
Hui Ling
Jonathan Koh
Jasmine Koh
Jing Wen
Jonathan Koh Zhi Wei
Jun Yang
Chua Wei Liang
Ying Jie

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x o x
Monday, June 30, 2008

I'm currently in a real werid situtation. I want you to be happy and at the same time I want you by my side. I wish for a reply but if it's your will not to reply then sometimes i wish you don't reply. All I want is for you to be happy and if that means me moving out of your field of vision, I'll gadly do so. Cause its you that matters not me. Fullstop

written on
10:02 pm

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Half way in the mist of studying for my last exam paper. Maths. Realise how much I’m still unsure off. Inequalities is killing me, graphs are total Indian. Calculus is rusty. Oh no I don't know why I’m posting. YOU SHOULD BE STUDYING. Okay bye bye. I just feel I needed to blog. Post number 215. Argh realise my blog has been around for somewhat a long time (comparatively). Good thing that it’s not famous. I don't wish for the whole to know what’s going on in my life. That saying, I just created a private blog for my deepest of issues that thou shall not review.

I hope can return to the way before. Cause it currently sucks. Give me a sign and I'll fly to you


written on
6:20 pm

Thursday, June 19, 2008

June Holidays over in a jiffy. Two main activities occupied this year’s June Holidays

Japan Educational Trip and Muggerton.

The former being Hunkily Dorily Satisfying and the Latter being awfully horrible.

The Fairyland Group

Vamoosed myself off to the Land of the Rising Sun forecasting boring museums and endless reflections. Thankfully, it turned out for the better.

Meet an amazing person. Studied more about the culture (not that I remember much though) and saw sides of people I never imagine were plausible. The freaking out of the minuscule size of the rooms in matsumoto. Uncontrollable laughing. Faces turning red. Abhorrently dreadful meals. The observations of the wonderful effects sedative chemicals have on supposed sober people. The mouth watering takoyakis at Osaka. And who can forget the endless rain. This in its way brought joy

I don't ever want to leave Japan. I wish it all never ended. Sadly, I'm back in my homeland facing the biggest challenge my 17 year old soul is trying to come to terms with. Studying for the June Common Test Codename :JCTs. No way have i ever come closed to studying during the June Holidays

8 days of my life I’ll remember in a long time to come.

Currently at Home attempting to study properly for the upcoming exams. Probably see a post about the impending embarrassment I’m going have shaft in my face.

Things I wish would never happen to me.

-See Miss Nor for a heart to heart talk

-Drop one of PDPs

-Lose someone

I'm really sorry. I didn't mean for it to happen. It never crossed my mind. Please forgive me.

Lovely lyrics for a lovely person

You look so beautiful today

When you’re sitting there it’s hard for me to look away

So I try to find the words that I could say

I know distance doesn’t matter but you feel so far away

And I can’t lie, every time I leave my heart turns gray

And I wanna come back home to see your face

And I…Cuz I just can’t take it

Another day without you with me

Is like a blade that cuts right through me

And I can wait…I can wait forever

When you call my heart stops beating

When you’re gone, it won’t stop bleeding

I can wait…I can wait


written on
10:49 pm