New Year, New Beginning!
A very famous saying indeed, but how true is it? Well going by my personal experience I have to say that implementing this saying into my daily life is harder I would have ever wondered. Who would have thought that such a simple task such as “packing your bag before you sleep every night” could seem mammoth when it comes to putting it into daily practice and constantly battling that every so dreaded fatigue.
Why bother thinking about bigger goals in life when the small one’s don’t even work out. Well that’s a problem I guess we all face. But nevertheless, the goals must exist!
So what are my goals for the coming year? Well first at foremost at the zenith of probably every Junior College student would be to excel in the A-Level Examination. No easy feat by any circumstances but I’m sure that if I step my work load, the prospect may not be so winsome after all.
Secondly, in line with Temasek’s goal of developing all round students, something which I have been propaganda with, I aim to well in my two PDPs. Namely Students’ Council and Bowling. Bowling in particular has been very challenging for me given that I am constantly being faced or surrounded by people who have been bowling for years before I even knew what the sport was all about. Given my “noobess” of my abilities, there has been immense self created pressure on myself to perform up to expectations of the team. Not helping too is the constant pressure of the Students’ Council and being part of the bowling executive committee which have and are going to take up considerable possible study times.
Thirdly, I hope to pass my driving test as well as improve in my musical interest (drums and piano). Having done music for nearly 4 years in my secondary school, taking a sabbatical for the sake of studies is akin to stopping my oxygen supply. Music is what keeps me going. It’s a place I vent my emotions on. Be it happy or sad, music gives me a chance to express how I feel when i want it. The adrenaline of mastering a piece or getting coordination on the drums right is something i cannot explain in words.
A New Year brings new hope and new dreams. Every time i look back at the year and reflect, an air of satisfaction of being to complete a year of disappointments surrounds me and it I guess that what keeps me going. I’ve learnt in my short 18 years that life was never meant to be a bunch of roses. Instead the challenges are there for a reason and it only serves to make me stronger. Granted that I’ve fallen several times but as a whole, i dare say that i was stronger then I use to be a year ago. Junior College has stretched my stress tolerance to a level i never thought was attainable and therefore the saying “everything happens for a reason” has been realised by Sean’s positive dying soul.
Determination! The feeling I ever so yearn for is beginning to ingrain itself in me and I hope it applies to all subjects.
OMG it's been ages since i wrote something like that.
Labels: Letters
written on
8:12 pm
Wednesday, January 07, 2009
1 Hour till the day i turn 18! It's time for a little review of how the year has been for me
Adapting to JC life was harder than i expected. Gone are all my regular A grades. Instead i'm forced into seeing U,S or Es all the time. When will this torment ever end? I need to start seeing my A-Grades again if not I’ll be screwed for my A-Levels
Learing a new sport is indeed an interesting experience. Never thought i would pick up bowling till the day i actually attended training at tampines safra. I still remember the first day i attended training. People were walking into the alley while i was blindly waiting outside. Gosh how foolish i could be. Progress in bowling has been okay minus the fact that I’ve yet to get my technique correct. Slowly mastering the art of throwing a good bowling ball. Good News! I'm planning to invest in a new higher, more reactive ball soon. There goes my ang bao money for the year!
Students' Council has indeed been an eye opener for me. Never thought i would be so into serving the school. Getting direct school admission didn't help either as i was expected to live up to bigger expectations. Coping with two PDPs is not an easy task indeed and my advice is unless you're a person who can surviving on non-studying to get thru your exams. Stick to one! Nearly paid the price myself and glad it didn't help. Divine intervention so to speak.
Countries i've been two this year. Malaysia as usual. Japan twice! In summer and winter. It's great to see a country in two different seasons and experience what living in a country living in four seasons feel like.
And so that sums up my year in a giffy. 2009 will be a better year!
Its 50 mins till i turn 18 now!
Labels: 2008
written on
11:02 pm
Thursday, January 01, 2009
First of all Happy New Year and a late Merry Christmas to one and all.
Sean is back from a month of not blogging. Well many things have happened over the past 25 days odd.
Been bowling alot. Learning new stuff and correcting my mistakes each and every time i hit the lanes. So happy i got a new high score. Can't wait to break the barrier that seperates the amatures from the pros. The target has been set! The process begins now.
Bowling camp from the 29th to 31st was a blast. So much so for planning to attack sean yeow for making us cycle 25km. Oh gosh that was probably the most i ever cycled in my whole entire life. To add to that pain was the lousy bikes the team has to suffer thru. Thank God Seans have better bikes to spare these jiggered members. Bonding activities went well and i guess everyone enjoyed the camp which makes it ever more worthwhile. So much for nagging by the teacher I/C HAHA
Christmas was spent with the family. Midnight mass was really good with everybody well dressed all prepared to celebrate the lord’s birthday. If only our weekly mass could feel like this. Presents were simple and nice. Nothing too extravagant which practically describe the person i am. Yes i love to spend my money on gadgets but well i don't usually spent on clothes.
New Year Resolutions’? Sadly none :( I live my life by the day. Well of course there are hope and dreams but how many can actually turn into reality. We live in a world where tomorrow is uncertain. Live each day to the fullest thinking there will be no tomorrow. Easy to say but how many of us can actually do that.
And so to end of this simply worded post. Goodbye.
8 days to the day i become 18!
Labels: Simple Life
written on
11:19 pm